Thursday, April 9, 2009

Grizzlies AAA - Cardio X Trainers

Hi Folks,
It's time to get serious with your training. Hey, you can still have fun while training. You want to focus on the Cardio X Training concepts: The L.U.C.C. system (patent pending). Each letter represents a training module. L is for Legs, U is for Upperbody, C is for Cardio and the second C is for Core. Focussing on the four elements will take your game to the next level as well as providing adequate recovery time for your body throughout the workout.
Sample Homework:
This can be done 2-3 times per week. Extra Cardio can be added to fill out the other days.
Legs-Sumo Squats (15-20), Walking Forward Lunges (20-25), Walking Reverse Lunges (12-15),
Sumo Jumps (15-20), 3 Way Lunges (9:30-12:00-2:30...positions on a clock face) 15 per leg (3 positions x 5 sets). Wall Sits :30 to :45 x 2 sets.
Upperbody-Pushups, vary hand positions: standard, wide and military. Standard 15-20 subtract 5-10 if incline pushups (feet on chair or bench) Wide 15-20, Military 5-15. Bench (or chair dips) 20-25. For a tougher workout: hold pushup or dip 2, 3 or upto 5 seconds each. Take rest every 5 or 10.
Cardio-Jump Rope 100-200 jumps. Star Jumps 25, Mountain Climbers 25, Burpees 15-20, Run on the spot...Running or Treadmill/Elliptical Trainer are also good 5-10 min intervals. make sure the equipment fits properly.
Core-Crunches 25-30, Side Planks :45 each side, Full Plank 1:00-2:00.
Everything stated can be done once, advanced is twice or two sets. You can be selective on the Legs and Upperbody and do 3-5 exercises, once or twice. This will be an intense workout, so pick and choose a few exercises, alternate 2 Leg, then 2 will give your body the chance to recover. Avoid working out hard one day before games or gameday. You can work out after an early game.
Always S-T-R-E-T-C-H. This will help the muscles develop properly. If you cannot touch your toes sitting on the floor, you are either A. the parent B. out of shape(see A) C. not stretching properly. Hamstrings(back of the leg), Hips, Calves(nothing to do with milk) and Quadriceps (front of the upper leg...nothing to do with ATV's), need the most attention.
Remember, what you do now will propel yourself into a new higher standard of fitness will be...a Gym Class Hero! Feel free to check out Tyler Schmidt and Duncan Keith's bio on the blogsite...two super hardworkers off the ice.
Scott "Cardio" Cardno